Flag | Country | Distance | Direction | |||
Miles (mi) | Kilometers (km) | Nautical Miles (nm) | Heading | Symbol | ||
Kirov | 234 | 377 | 203 | North-northeast (NNE) | ↑ | |
Marij El | 73 | 117 | 63 | North-northeast (NNE) | ↑ | |
Mordovija | 146 | 235 | 127 | Southwest (SW) | ↑ | |
Nizhnij Novgorod | 127 | 204 | 110 | West-northwest (WNW) | ↑ | |
Penza | 179 | 288 | 155 | South-southwest (SSW) | ↑ | |
Samara | 208 | 334 | 180 | Southeast (SE) | ↑ | |
Samarskaya | 205 | 330 | 178 | Southeast (SE) | ↑ | |
Saratov | 277 | 446 | 241 | South (S) | ↑ | |
Tambov | 296 | 476 | 257 | Southwest (SW) | ↑ | |
Tatarstan | 151 | 244 | 131 | East (E) | ↑ | |
Uljanovsk | 103 | 166 | 90 | Southeast (SE) | ↑ | |
Ulyanovskaya Oblast | 114 | 184 | 99 | South-southeast (SSE) | ↑ |
Flag | Country | Distance | Direction | |||
Miles (mi) | Kilometers (km) | Nautical Miles (nm) | Heading | Symbol | ||
Mongolia | 1,015 | 1,633 | 881 | South (S) | ↑ |
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